Don’t Miss the Perseid Meteor Shower!

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    • #41413
      Tory Jon
          • Joined: Nov 2019
          • Posts: 241
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          Just a heads up, the Perseid meteor shower will peak on the night of August 11 and early morning of August 12, 2024.

          Viewing conditions will be favorable a few days before and after the peak. Although the moon will be half-illuminated during the peak, it will set around midnight, leaving dark skies ideal for meteor watching until dawn.

          The Perseids occur annually from mid-July to late August, as Earth passes through debris left by Comet Swift-Tuttle. The meteor shower peaks when Earth moves through the densest part of this debris. In years without significant moonlight, the meteor count appears higher, reaching up to 150-200 meteors per hour during peak years.

          NASA estimates an average of up to 100 meteors per hour during the Perseid’s peak this year.

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