RV Dump Station Map

Below is a map of RV dump stations across America by city.

Each marker on the map represents a city containing at least one RV dump station. Click on the marker to view the city and the number of dump stations in that city. You can then click through to that city’s page to view all of its dump stations and their details (location, fees, water availability, coordinates, and more).

This is great for planning and finding dump station locations along your planned route.

Map of RV Dump Stations

Dump Station Map Tips

This map displays over 6,300 cities across America that have at least one RV dump station location. Understandably, that can be a bit overwhelming.

So, to get the most out of this map:

  • If prompted, allow the browser to know your location. This will help zoom the map in on your current location as a starting point.
  • Right-click the link to view dump stations (or tap and hold on your mobile device) and choose to open it in a new tab. This way, you can view the dump stations in the desired cities along your route and quickly jump over to view the map in the other tab.
  • You can drag the RV dump station map in any direction, which is useful for finding locations along your planned route. Click and hold to drag on your home computer or use two fingers on a mobile device.
  • You can zoom the map in and out. Just keep in mind that the farther you zoom out, the more city markers the map will load, making it ultimately harder to read. But, this can be useful to move from one side of the country to another quickly.

RV Dump Stations by City

Alternatively, you can view our huge directory of RV dumps by city below. Get started by clicking the state, then choose a city to view all the RV dump stations in that location.

Download Our RV Dump Location Directory

Rv Dump Station Directory Download - Click Here

Download our RV dump station guide and get detailed information for over 11,000 dump sites in America, including addresses, fees, GPS coordinates, water availability, and more – even in an area without internet!

Best of all – you’ll get FREE updates for life!

RVers – Don’t go camping without it!

Related: How to Use an RV Dump Station: A Step-by-Step Guide