How To Scrap A Camper Trailer (5 Simple Ways)

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There may come a time when your camper or RV becomes less of a travel companion… and more of an eyesore slowly rotting away in your yard.

But, what do you do with your old camper when it’s time to scrap it?

Luckily, you have a few options (and you may even be able to make some money from it).

So, here are 5 simple ideas to scrap that old eyesore when the time comes.

Sell Your Camper Online

You know the old saying, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure“… well, that old camper sitting in your yard might not have much value to you, but it may be worth something to somebody else.

And the only way to find out is to list for sale online. eBay, Craigslist, the Facebook Marketplace are all good websites for selling used items, large and small.

But, who on earth would want your old rusty camper? You’d be surprised! Many DIY’ers, tiny home aficionados, vintage trailer fans, and so on actively seek out these types of campers.

If you have the time and patience, you could even dismantle the camper and sell off the pieces that are worth money.

There’s a market for just about everything out there! And this is the best way to potentially make some decent money for that old rust bucket of a camper your neighbors keep complaining about.

Tip: Check out our guide on how to sell a camper fast for tips and tricks to get rid of your camper for the most amount of money!

Donate Your Camper

Depending on the condition of your camper, you may be able to donate it to a charity.

Most charities offer free nationwide pick up, a tax deduction, and some even offer vacation vouchers.

A few charities you could donate your RV too include:

By donating your camper, you’ll be able to effectively get rid of it at no cost, you’ll be helping somebody in need, plus you may even be eligible for certain tax benefits.

Sell Your Camper To A Salvage Yard

RV salvage yards (or scrap yard, junkyard, whatever you want to call it) are another way to get rid of your RV or camper and maybe even make a little money from it. Just don’t expect much.

Simply do a search for “RV salvage near me” or “RV junk yard near me” and you’ll get a list of potential salvage yards to drop your camper off at. If you’ve ever looked for used RV parts in your vicinity, you may have even stumbled across an RV salvage yard before.

There are even a few COD automotive buyers, the aptly named COD Auto Buyers being one, who will come pick up your RV and even pay you for it (again, don’t expect much).

Give Your Camper Away

Another option is to simply give your camper away. You’d be surprised how many people would jump on the opportunity, no matter how bad your camper’s condition is, to take it off your hands.

Spread the word through social media (Facebook, etc), tell your friends, and so on. Hunters and fisherman are good targets as they can use an old camper for shelter when hunting or as a fishing shed.

Haul Your Camper To The Dump

Last, but not least, you can haul your old camper to your local dump (as long as they will take it). You will likely have to pay a dumping fee, which could be hefty, but if you’ve exhausted all of your other options then you may have no choice.

I recommend this option as a last resort since you’ll likely have to pay for scrapping your camper trailer and it will just end up in a landfill, where it will be of no use to anybody.

7 thoughts on “How To Scrap A Camper Trailer (5 Simple Ways)”

    • I feel for you. It’s a myth that there are these RV graveyards. No one wants them. Only place I found wants $200/ft! The abandoned rusty thing on my new property is nearly 30 feet! Yikes.

  1. Trying to junk old camper. Will give away. Don’t want to sell or get anything for it! Please contact me if interested.


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